About Me

Hello and welcome to my blog, ‘Trickles of Tales’!

I am Subrata Ray. I was born and brought up in a village in Jalpaiguri district in the northern part of West Bengal. I have spent the most part of my life in cities though – in Kolkata for my studies and then in Hyderabad for my job as an engineer.

This blog is a space where my inspiration and experiences come up and find an expression. I make them trickle into it in the form of musings, anecdotes, travelogues and poems.

Everyone has a story to tell after all. Even in my not-so-eventful life, I have come across things which I hope you would relate to and like to know more about. And then inspiration comes to me quite often, wobbly and inchoate, stirring my mind and forcing me to put them on paper. It takes a little bit of effort on my part to weave them into articles that would be of interest to you.

An inescapable feature of my writing is that staying loyal to my background, it has the flavour of the nature and the simplicity of life in villages as well as the glitter and the din and bustle of life in cities.

I promise to upload new posts every fortnight and hope that you would like them.

If you have any suggestions or feedback to improve this blog or you want to see any particular kind of post in it, please do write in to me. I can be reached at my email address: subrata.ray2@gmail.com